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User:Fabio Squina

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Dr Fabio Squina is Pharmacist, MS in Food Science and PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology. After a Post doc jobs at Oklahoma State University, Fabio Squina worked at National Center for Research in Energy and Materials in Campinas, Brazil, as scientific researcher from 2008 to 2016. Since 2010, Dr. Squina holds academic advisor and research appointments at State University of Campinas (Biology Institute) Brazil. Since 2017, Dr. Squina serves as adjunct professor at University of Sorocaba. His research interests combine molecular biology and “omics” sciences to engineer enzymes and biotechnological routes for plant biomass conversion into high-value products.

Fabio Squina interests focus on biocatalyst discovery and development of biotechnological routes for conversion of biomass feedstocks into high-value bio-products. Squina's research group has contributed on metagenomics-based enzyme discovery field, establishing a discovery platform, based on community enrichment protocols and “omics" approaches. Besides, Squina's group has successfully engaged in the development of enzymatic routes for the production of natural probiotics, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant molecules. These biotechnological initiatives are in line with bio-refinery interests considering the potential of adding value to lignocellulose feedstocks from different sources. These research activities have the appeal to promote sustainable food, fuel, and environmental change.